How to Replace the Coravin Needle
Grasp the Needle Grip and unscrew it to release the Needle from the System.
Slide the pointed end of the new Needle back into the Needle Guide. Screw the Needle Grip into the System until it clicks into place.. You are ready to pour!
How to Replace the Coravin Needle
Average Pour Rate
On average, a 5-ounce (150ml) pour of wine with a Standard Needle will take 25 to 29 seconds.
Product Details
Timeless Fast Pour Needle
Non-stick coated stainless steel
Timeless Standard Needle
Non-stick coated stainless steel
Timeless Vintage Needle
Non-stick coated stainless steel
Needle Clearing Tool
What materials are Coravin Timeless Needles made of?
What is the difference between Timeless Needles?
How do I unclog or clean a Needle?
Returns & Warranty
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